Udah lama pengen beli green bag. Tapi baru kesampean kemaren. :p
I got a cute one too...! Warnanya coklat, talking about chocolate. And of course, talking about Earth. :)
Facts about Plastics Bags :
- About 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide yearly.
- Sea turtles and whales die from eating discarded plastic bags.
- Plastic bags thrown away as litter causing floods.
- Made from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource.
- Only 1-3% plastic bags are recycled.
"I'm the problem, I'm the solution"
- Do not throw away excess plastic bags as a trash. Reuse or Recycle them.
- Bring your eco-friendly bags when you go shopping and go to work.
- Say 'No' to plastic bags when the items are packaged with handles.
- Say 'No' to plastic bags when buying only a few small items.
- Encourage family, friends and colleagues to do the same.
3R : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Sumber : GREEN3R Plastic Bag
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