Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sehat itu...


Sometimes kalo kita udah sembuh dari sakit yang lumayan lama, kita completely lupa sama keadaan kita waktu sakit kemaren. You feel invincible again.
Saat lemah, kita sadar kalo sakit itu truly bener-bener ga enak. “Oh, I wish I...”... Dan keluarlah janji-janji manis dari mulut kita...
“Okay, aku ga akan makan sembarangan”, “okay, aku bakal makan teratur”, “okay, aku bakal banyak olah raga”, “aku janji bakal jaga kesehatan dan ga ngelakuin hal yang merugikan”, and the list goes on and on...
Next day, we’re recovered, and say, “meh, just a little bit won’t hurt.” Lama-lama...?
Ah... Humans never learn. :(
Admit it. Just admit it.... No? :okay :(

It always happened to me. Rasanya kalo kayak gitu suka agak dilema. Kalo kita lakuin, kemungkinan besar kita jatuh sakit lagi. Tapi kalo ga kita lakuin, some voice keeps whispering in my ears that I’m not enjoying life like I should be. I know, that voice is SO wrong. Ada banyak cara buat enjoying life tanpa bikin rugi sendiri. But really... How could I let these things get away from me...???


*scrolling*scrolling*scrolling* what time is it? oh, never mind
how you stay in front of your screen until you (finally) fall asleep
Ah. Life is so wonderful kalo kamu sehat. Really, be grateful for that! Keep that in mind! I’m only saying this because I’m still recovering! And I don’t know if tommorrow I’ll stay strong! Help!!!!
Haha. Always the dilemma. Yang pasti aku sadar aku ga bakal bisa nahan diri sepenuhnya dari semua hal yang aku suka. Yes, that’s how pigheaded I am. At least mulai sekarang aku bakal BERUSAHA buat ga berlebihan. Nabi pun menyuruh kita untuk ga berlebihan kan. Yup, pasti disitulah salahnya. And I know I can’t do this alone. Makanya aku bersyukur punya orang-orang yang selalu bawel ngingetin.

Thank God for the health and the people who love me even though I’m...well, You know.
And also thank You for the great things in this world. And thank You for allowing me to enjoy them. :)

And of course, thank you awesome people out there... ;)


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